Join the RHS Big Seed Sow and Grow With It!

Join the RHS Big Seed Sow and Grow With It!

Following the UK’s National Gardening Week, the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is hosting the Big Seed Sow as part of its annual Grow With It program. Designed to support school and community gardeners, this initiative aims to encourage everyone to get growing, connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts, and share knowledge and resources.

How to Get Involved:

Visit the RHS website and sign up for the Big Seed Sow to receive updates and information about this year's event.

Once you've signed up, join the community, and follow along with the Big Seed Sow. Share your progress, ask questions, and connect with fellow gardeners to exchange tips and advice.

GreenBlue Gardens are pleased to provide some tips on what can be planted in May, depending on your location and climate, there's a wide variety of seeds you can plant for flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

Here's a selection of some popular options:


Zinnias: These colourful annual flowers are easy to grow from seed and bloom throughout the summer, attracting pollinators like butterflies and bees.

Cosmos: Another easy-to-grow annual, cosmos produce beautiful, daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, white, and purple.

Marigolds: Marigolds are not only beautiful, but they also help repel pests in the garden. They come in various sizes and colours and are well-suited for borders or containers.


Tomatoes: May is a great time to plant tomato seeds indoors for later transplanting outdoors once the danger of frost has passed. Choose from a wide variety of tomato types, including cherry, beefsteak, and heirloom varieties.

Peppers: Like tomatoes, peppers can be started from seed indoors in May. Bell peppers, jalapenos, and chili peppers are popular options.

Strawberries: If you're looking to grow strawberries, May is an excellent time to plant them. Whether you choose to plant from seed or purchase seedlings, strawberries are relatively easy to grow and can be grown in containers or in the ground.


Beans: Both bush and pole beans can be planted in May. Green beans, snap beans, and pole beans are all excellent choices for home gardens.

Zucchini: Zucchini is a prolific summer squash that's easy to grow from seed. Plant seeds directly in the garden after the soil has warmed up.

Lettuce: For a quick and easy crop, sow lettuce seeds directly in the garden for a continuous harvest of fresh greens throughout the season. There are many varieties to choose from, including leaf lettuce, romaine, and butterhead.

Coming Soon: Green Blue Gardens New Seed and Bulb Packs

Exciting news! Green Blue Gardens will soon be launching new seed and bulb packs, perfect for your gardening adventures. Keep an eye out for these upcoming releases and discover a wide range of high-quality seeds and bulbs to enhance your garden.

In the meantime, visit our other product offerings to inspire your next garden project?

Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of the RHS Big Seed Sow and Grow With It. Let's sow the seeds of community, knowledge, and greenery together!

P.s Share your projects with us via our Social platforms:- @GreenBlueGardens