About Us
Welcome To Green Blue Gardens!
“GreenBlue” originally Greenleaf Horticulture was formed over 28 years ago.
With his own landscaping business our CEO saw a need for tree watering especially in times of drought with newly planted trees not getting the water directly to where it mattered (the root ball) and therefore invented the RootRain Metro.Today the product is still selling strong with further models developed and over the years the company introduced further landscaping products to aide with root management and tree stability and protection. All products have an emphasis on the best practice planting so that all can enjoy beautiful landscaped areas for generations to come.
Enabling major landscaping products on a global scale we would like to enrich our expertise to local communities – never has our immediate outdoor space been so precious and we have the products to help. At Green Blue Gardens we have the Experience and above all else we Care.
To see more of our world leading tree pit packages and landscaping products, take a look at greenblue.com